Friday, May 27, 2011

What is CRM?

CRM is a business strategy that enables organizations
to get closer with their customers, to better serve their needs,
improve customer service, enhance customer satisfaction and thereby
maximize customer loyalty and retention

CRM software works across all corporate departments to help harmonize
customer-centric thinking in the entire organization.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What is software?

Computer software or just software is collection of program and related to data that introduction  for telling computer what to do and how to do we can also say that
software also held to store data & program in computer for a purpose software basically made up  of a group of related program written in specific code it is called programing language
actually the  software programs has remodeled the life of human being to special level all our action are largely influenced by software and related application  cellphone, hi-tech watches
and music player are the number of most common software program that why we have to say  you can not imagine life without software.

Software can be generally be divided into two categories.

1. SYSTEM SOFTWARE -: system software is computer software designed to operate the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software. 

2. APPLICATION SOFTWARE -: Application software is the name given to the programs that perform specific tasks for user such as game,internet browses and anti virus software.